Source code for lab_utils.database

""" Basic interface to a `PostgreSQL <>`_ database.

The module consists of a main class :class:`Database <Database>` which
implements methods for connection and disconnection, table verification
and data insertion.

The database settings are set with a
:doc:`config file<../examples/conf/conf_database>`
and the standard library :obj:`configparser`.

# Imports
import configparser
from os.path import abspath, expanduser
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Union, Tuple

# Third party
from pandas import DataFrame
from psycopg2 import (
    Error as PSQL_Error,
from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT  # see

# Local packages
from lab_utils.custom_logging import getLogger

[docs]class DataType(Enum): """ List of accepted data types for new columns. The types are hard-coded for safety reasons: SQL insertions are potentially dangerous. See `here <>`_ for more information. """ bool = 'BOOLEAN' #: Boolean short = 'SMALLINT' #: Integer (2 bytes, range is -32,768 to +32,767) int = 'INTEGER' #: Integer (4 bytes, range is -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647) long = 'BIGINT' #: Integer (8 bytes, range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807) float = 'FLOAT(24)' #: Floating-point number, 4 bytes double = 'FLOAT(53)' #: Floating-point number, 8 bytes string = 'TEXT' #: String, unlimited length time = 'TIMESTAMPTZ' #: Time stamp, with time zone information def __str__(self) -> str: """ Parses the data type as an SQL string. Returns ------- str The SQL query """ return str(self.value)
[docs]class Constraint(Enum): """ List of accepted constraints for new columns. The constraints are hard-coded for safety reasons: SQL insertions are potentially dangerous. """ positive = ''' CHECK({column_name} >= 0) ''' #: The variable must be greater or equal to 0 positive_strict = ''' CHECK({column_name} > 0) ''' #: The variable must be strictly positive def __str__(self) -> str: """ Parses the constraint as an SQL string. Returns ------- str The SQL query """ return str(self.value)
[docs]class Database: """Manages connections and operations with a PostgreSQL database. The class is based on the :obj:`psycopg2` library and on this `tutorial <>`_. """ host: str = 'localhost' #: The host name where the database is located port: int = 5432 #: Connection port database: str = 'beam' #: The database name to connect to user: str = 'cw-beam' #: User name passfile: str = '~/.pgpass' #: Location of the pgpass file with the credentials connection = None #: Connection object returned by psycopg2.connect() db_version: str = '' #: Database version cursor = None #: Cursor provided by connection.cursor() to execute an SQL query # List of predefined SQL queries _query_createDatabase = ''' CREATE DATABASE {db_name} WITH OWNER %(owner)s ; ''' _query_createTimeTable = ''' CREATE TABLE {table_name} ( time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL {default} ); ''' _query_makeTimescaleHypertable = ''' SELECT create_hypertable ( %(table_name)s, %(key)s ); ''' # _query_createAggregateView = ''' # CREATE VIEW {table_name}_10s # WITH (timescaledb.continuous) # AS # SELECT # time_bucket('10 s', time) as time, # {aggregate_list} # FROM # {table_name} # GROUP BY 1; # # # CREATE VIEW {table_name}_1min # WITH (timescaledb.continuous) # AS # SELECT # time_bucket('1 min', time) as time, # {aggregate_list} # FROM # {table_name} # GROUP BY 1; # # # CREATE VIEW {table_name}_10min # WITH (timescaledb.continuous) # AS # SELECT # time_bucket('10 min', time) as time, # {aggregate_list} # FROM # {table_name} # GROUP BY 1; # ''' _query_createAggregateView = ''' CREATE VIEW {table_name}_1min WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS SELECT time_bucket('1 min', time) as time, {aggregate_list} FROM {table_name} GROUP BY 1; ''' _query_checkColumn = ''' SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %(table_schema)s AND table_name = %(table_name)s AND column_name = %(column_name)s ); ''' _query_checkTable = ''' SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %(table_schema)s AND table_name = %(table_name)s ) ; ''' _query_addColumn = ''' ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD COLUMN {column_name} {data_type} {checks} ; ''' _query_insertData = ''' INSERT INTO {table_name} ({columns}) VALUES ({data}) ; ''' _query_retrieveViews = ''' SELECT schemaname, viewname FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE schemaname = 'public' ; ''' _query_dropView = ''' DROP VIEW {view} CASCADE; ''' _query_retrieveColumns = ''' SELECT attrelid::regclass AS tbl, attname AS col, atttypid::regtype AS datatype FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = %(full_table_id)s::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum; ''' # from _query_retrieveLatestValue = ''' SELECT {column_list} FROM {table_name} ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1 ; ''' # from _query_checkEmptyTable = ''' SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {table_name} LIMIT 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ''' _query_retrieveLatestSerialID = ''' SELECT last_value FROM {table_name}_id_seq; ''' _query_updateMeasurementEntry = ''' UPDATE {table_name} SET {update_list} WHERE id = {measurement_id} ; ''' _query_retrieveEntry = ''' SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {conditions} ; '''
[docs] def __init__(self, config_file: str = None, host: str = None, port: int = None, database: str = None, user: str = None, passfile: str = None, ): """ Initializes the :class:`Database` object. If a :paramref:`configuration file name<Database.__init__.config_file>` is given, the constructor calls the method :meth:`~.Database.config` and overrides the default attributes Parameters ---------- config_file : str, optional Configuration file name, default is `None`. See :doc:`here<../../../examples/conf/conf_database>` for a configuration file example. host : str, optional Database host. port : int, optional Database port. database : str, optional Database name. user : str, optional Database user. passfile : str, optional Local file with PostgreSQL password. Raises ------ :class:`configparser.Error` If a configuration file name was given, the method :meth:`config` can fail raising this exception. """ # Read config file, if given if config_file is not None: self.config(config_file) # Override config file if other arguments are given if host is not None: = host if port is not None: self.port = port if database is not None: self.database = database if user is not None: self.user = user if passfile is not None: self.passfile = abspath(expanduser(passfile))
def __del__(self): """ Closes the connection to the database, if it was ever open. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ self.close()
[docs] def config(self, config_file: str): """ Loads the configuration. Reads the :paramref:`config_file` using the :obj:`configparser` library. The structure of the file is shown in the :ref:`examples section<configuration-files>`. Parameters ---------- config_file : str Configuration file name. Raises ------ :class:`configparser.Error` Error while parsing the file, e.g. no file was found, a parameter is missing or it has an invalid value. """ try: # Expand configuration file path config_file = abspath(expanduser(config_file)) getLogger().info("Loading configuration file %s", config_file) # Initialize config parser and read file config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() # Assign values to class attributes = config_parser.get(section='Overall', option='host') self.port = config_parser.getint(section='Overall', option='port') self.database = config_parser.get(section='Overall', option='database') self.user = config_parser.get(section='Overall', option='user') self.passfile = config_parser.get(section='Overall', option='passfile') # Expand passfile path self.passfile = abspath(expanduser(self.passfile)) except configparser.Error as e: getLogger().error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: # Undefined exception, full traceback to be printed getLogger().exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise else: getLogger().info('Configuration loaded')
[docs] def connect(self, print_version: bool = False): """ Connects to the database. If the connection was successful and the flag :paramref:`~Database.connect.print` was set, it also prints the database version as a connection check. Parameters ---------- print_version : bool, optional Print the database version, default is 'False'. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ getLogger().info( 'Connecting to database <%s> on host <%s> over port <%d> as user <%s>', self.database,, self.port, self.user ) try: # Connect to the database self.connection = connect( dbname=self.database, user=self.user,, port=self.port, passfile=self.passfile ) # Read database version, serves as connection check self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute('SELECT version()') self.db_version = self.cursor.fetchone() except PSQL_Error as e: getLogger().error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: # Undefined exception, full traceback to be printed getLogger().exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise else: if print_version: getLogger().info('Connection successful, database version: %s', self.db_version) else: getLogger().info('Connection successful') getLogger().debug('Database version: %s', self.db_version)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the connection to the database. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ # Close, if the connection had been opened if self.connection is not None: getLogger().info('Closing connection to database <%s>', self.database) try: self.connection.close() except PSQL_Error as e: getLogger().error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: # Undefined exception, full traceback to be printed getLogger().exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise else: getLogger().info('Connection to database <%s> closed', self.database) finally: self.connection = None
[docs] def create_database(self, db_name: str, owner: str = 'postgres', ): """ Creates a database named :paramref:`~Database.create_database.db_name`. If :paramref:`~Database.create_database.timescaledb_extension` is set (default is 'True'), the TimescaleDB extension is installed in the database to allow TimescaleDB hypertables. Parameters ---------- db_name : str The name of the database to be created owner : str, optional Database owner, default is 'postgres'. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') try: # Set autocommit level, see self.connection.set_isolation_level(ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) # Prepare query for table creation'Creating database <%s>', db_name) query = self._query_createDatabase.format( db_name=db_name ) # Create the table table logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query).decode()) self.cursor.execute( query, { 'owner': owner } ) self.connection.commit()'Database <%s> created', db_name) except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def create_timescale_db(self, table_name: str, default_now: bool = True): """ Creates a `TimescaleDB <>`_ table. The table has a single column named 'time' with type 'TIMESTAMPTZ'. If the flag :paramref:`~Database.create_timescale_db.default_now` is set (default is 'True'), the column 'time' will default to 'NOW()' Parameters ---------- table_name : str The name of the table to be checked default_now : bool, optional Set the 'time' column default to 'NOW()', default is `True`. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') try: # Prepare query for table creation if default_now:'Creating TimescaleDB table <%s> with default <time> NOW()', table_name) query = sql.SQL(self._query_createTimeTable.format( table_name=table_name, default=sql.SQL('DEFAULT NOW()').as_string(self.connection) )) else:'Creating TimescaleDB table <%s> without default <time>', table_name) query = sql.SQL(self._query_createTimeTable.format( table_name=table_name, default='' )) # Create the table logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query).decode()) self.cursor.execute(query) # Make the table a TimescaleDB Hypertable logger.debug('Sending query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_makeTimescaleHypertable, { 'table_name': table_name, 'key': 'time' } ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_makeTimescaleHypertable, { 'table_name': table_name, 'key': 'time' } ) # Commit queries self.connection.commit()'TimescaleDB table <%s> created', table_name) except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def check_table(self, table_name) -> bool: """ Checks if a table exists. Parameters ---------- table_name : str The name of the table to be checked Returns ------- bool: `True` if the table exists, `False` otherwise. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') try: logger.debug('Checking if table <%s> exists', table_name) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_checkTable, {'table_schema': 'public', 'table_name': table_name, } ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_checkTable, {'table_schema': 'public', 'table_name': table_name, } ) reply = self.cursor.fetchone() if reply[0]: logger.debug('Table <%s> does exist', table_name) return True else: logger.debug('Table <%s> does not exist', table_name) return False except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def check_column(self, table_name, column_name) -> bool: """ Checks if a column exists in a given table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str The table where the column has to be checked column_name : str The column to be checked Returns ------- bool: `True` if the column exists, `False` otherwise. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access a database without initialization') try: logger.debug('Checking if column <%s> exists in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_checkColumn, {'table_schema': 'public', 'table_name': table_name, 'column_name': column_name, } ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_checkColumn, {'table_schema': 'public', 'table_name': table_name, 'column_name': column_name, } ) reply = self.cursor.fetchone() if reply[0]: logger.debug('Column <%s> does exist in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) return True else: logger.debug('Column <%s> does not exist in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) return False except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def new_column( self, table_name: str, column_name: str, data_type: DataType, constraints: list = None, ): """ Creates a new column in a given table. If the column already exists, it just returns. If the table does not exist or the column could not be created, it raises a :class:`psycopg2.Error`. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table where the column has to be created column_name : str Name of the column to be created data_type : :class:`DataType` Data type of the new column constraints : list, optional List of :class:`Constraints<Constraint>`, default is 'None' Raises ------ :class:`TypeError` Invalid constraint or data type :class:`ValueError` Invalid constraint or data type :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to create a column in table <%s>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) # Check if the column already exists if self.check_column(table_name, column_name):'Column <%s> already exists in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) return # Now let's send the SQL query'Creating column <%s> in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) try: if constraints is None: constraint_list = sql.SQL(' ') else: constraint_list = sql.SQL(' ').join( sql.SQL(str(k).format( table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name, )) for k in constraints ) query = sql.SQL(self._query_addColumn.format( table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name, data_type=str(data_type), checks=constraint_list.as_string(self.connection), ) ) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query).decode()) self.cursor.execute(query) self.connection.commit() # Check if the column was created if self.check_column(table_name, column_name):'Column <%s> successfully created in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) else: raise OperationalError( 'Column <%s> could not be created in table <%s>', column_name, table_name ) except (PSQL_Error, TypeError, ValueError, KeyError) as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: # Undefined exception, full traceback to be printed logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def new_entry( self, table_name: str, columns: list, data: list, check_columns: bool = False, ): """ Inserts data into a given table. See :doc:`this example<../../../examples/ex_database>` for usage examples Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table where the data has to be inserted columns : list[str] List of columns names corresponding to the data data : list Values of the new data entry check_columns : bool, optional Check that columns exist before insertion, default is False Raises ------ :class:`TypeError` Invalid data :class:`ValueError` Invalid data :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors """ logger = getLogger() if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check the list sizes are the same if len(data) != len(columns): raise DataError('Data and column lists have different sizes') # Check the list sizes are not zero if len(data) == 0: raise DataError('Empty data') logger.debug('Inserting data into table <%s>: ', table_name) for c, d in zip(columns, data): logger.debug('\t{:<25}{}'.format(c, d)) # Check if the table and the columns exist if check_columns: if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Table {} does not exist'.format(table_name)) for column in columns: if not self.check_column(table_name, column): raise IntegrityError('Column <%s> does not exist in table <%s>', column, table_name) # Now let's send the SQL query try: column_list = sql.SQL(', ').join( sql.Identifier(n) for n in columns ) values_list = sql.SQL(', ').join( sql.Placeholder() for __ in columns ) query = sql.SQL(self._query_insertData.format( table_name=table_name, columns=column_list.as_string(self.connection), data=values_list.as_string(self.connection), ) ) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query, data).decode()) self.cursor.execute(query, data) self.connection.commit() except (PSQL_Error, TypeError, ValueError) as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise else: logger.debug('Data successfully committed')
[docs] def get_list_columns( self, table_name: str ) -> List[List[str]]: """ Fetches the list of columns in a given table. Returns ------- List[List[str]]: Column data: list of pairs <name, type>. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. In particular, it is raised if the table does not exist or the aggregate view could not be created. """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to access table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) try: # Retrieve list of columns logger.debug('Retrieving list of columns from table <%s>', table_name) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_retrieveColumns, {'full_table_id': 'public.{}'.format(table_name)} ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_retrieveColumns, {'full_table_id': 'public.{}'.format(table_name)} ) reply = self.cursor.fetchall() list_of_columns = [[row[1], row[2]] for row in reply] logger.debug('List of columns: %s', list_of_columns) return list_of_columns except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def create_aggregate_view(self, table_name: str, index_name: str = 'time', recreate: bool = True, ): """ Creates a set of `aggregate views <>`_ in a given table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table where the column has to be created. index_name : str, optional Column to be used as index for the aggregate view, default is 'time'. recreate : bool, optional Recreate the aggregate view if it exists, default is 'True'. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. In particular, it is raised if the table does not exist or the aggregate view could not be created. """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to create aggregate views for table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) try: # Retrieve list of columns list_of_columns = self.get_list_columns(table_name) # Check index column is present found = False for col in list_of_columns: if col[0] == index_name: found = True list_of_columns.remove(col) break if not found: raise IntegrityError('Index column <{}> not found in table <{}>'.format(index_name, table_name)) # Check that at least one numeric column was found valid_data_types = [ 'integer', 'double precision', 'real', ] found = False for col in list_of_columns: if col[1] in valid_data_types: found = True break if not found: raise IntegrityError('Cannot create an aggregate view without any column') # Create list of aggregates, picking only numeric variables aggregate_list = ', '.join( ['AVG({column_name}) AS {column_name}_avg'.format(column_name=col[0]) for col in list_of_columns if col[1] in valid_data_types] ) # Check if aggregate views already exist, and drop them if recreate: self.cursor.execute(self._query_retrieveViews) reply = self.cursor.fetchall() for view in [row[1] for row in reply]: if table_name in view: query = sql.SQL(self._query_dropView.format( view=view, )) logger.debug('Dropping view <%s>', view) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query).decode()) self.cursor.execute(query) # Create aggregate view query = sql.SQL(self._query_createAggregateView.format( table_name=table_name, aggregate_list=aggregate_list, )) logger.debug('Creating aggregate views') logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify(query).decode()) self.cursor.execute(query) self.connection.commit() except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def fetch_latest_value( self, table_name: str, column_name: List[str] = None ) -> tuple: """ Retrieves the latest values of a time-ordered table. If paramref:'column_name' is not given, all values of the table are retrieved. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table where the column has to be retrieved from. column_name : str Column[s] to be retrieved, default is all columns. Returns ------- tuple: Latest data. First element is the time of the latest entry. Consecutive elements are the value of each column. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to retrieve data from table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) try: if column_name is None: logger.debug('Fetching latest data from all columns in table <%s>', table_name) column_list = '*' else: logger.debug('Fetching latest data from column(s) <%s> in table <%s>', column_name, table_name) column_list = 'time, ' + ', '.join(column_name) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_retrieveLatestValue.format( column_list=column_list, table_name=table_name ) ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_retrieveLatestValue.format( column_list=column_list, table_name=table_name ) ) reply = self.cursor.fetchone() logger.debug('Latest values: {}'.format(reply)) return reply except PSQL_Error as e: logger.error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: logger.exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise
[docs] def check_empty_table( self, table_name: str ) -> bool: """ Checks whether a table is empty or not Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table where the column has to be retrieved from. Returns ------- bool: True if the table is empty, False if it is not empty. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. """ logger = getLogger() # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to access table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) logger.debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_checkEmptyTable.format(table_name=table_name) ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_checkEmptyTable.format(table_name=table_name) ) reply = self.cursor.fetchone() logger.debug('Table exists: {}'.format(reply)) return reply[0] != 1
[docs] def fetch_next_serial_id( self, table_name: str, ) -> int: """ Checks the latest ID of a serialized table and returns the next available one. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table to check. Returns ------- int: Next available serial ID. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. """ # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if table is not empty if self.check_empty_table(table_name): return 1 # Get latest ID getLogger().debug('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_retrieveLatestSerialID.format(table_name=table_name) ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_retrieveLatestSerialID.format(table_name=table_name) ) reply = self.cursor.fetchone() getLogger().debug('Latest serial ID in table {}: {}'.format(table_name, reply)) return reply[0] + 1
[docs] def update_measurement( self, table_name: str, measurement_id: int, columns: List[str] = None, values: List = None, pairs: List[Union[Tuple, List]] = None ): """ Updates the entry of a measurement. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Measurement type. measurement_id: int Measurement ID. columns : List[str] List of columns names corresponding to the data values : List Values of the new data entry pairs: List[tuple] List of pairs (variable, value) Returns ------- bool: True if the table is empty, False if it is not empty. Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. """ # Sanitize input # If no "pairs" given, use lists of columns and values if pairs is None: # Check the list sizes are the same and non-empty if values is None or columns is None: raise DataError('Empty data') if len(values) != len(columns): raise DataError('Data and column lists have different sizes') pairs = [(c, d) for c, d in zip(columns, values)] # Check empty data if len(pairs) == 0: raise DataError('Empty data') # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to access table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) # Debug log getLogger().info('Modifying measurement entry {} in table <{}>: '.format(measurement_id, table_name)) for pair in pairs: getLogger().debug('\t{:<25}{}'.format(pair[0], pair[1])) # Now let's send the SQL query try: update_list = ', '.join( '\n\t\t\t{} = \'{}\''.format(pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in pairs ) getLogger().info('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_updateMeasurementEntry.format( table_name=table_name, update_list=update_list, measurement_id=measurement_id ) ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_updateMeasurementEntry.format( table_name=table_name, update_list=update_list, measurement_id=measurement_id ) ) self.connection.commit() except (PSQL_Error, TypeError, ValueError) as e: getLogger().error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: getLogger().exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise else: getLogger().info('Entry successfully updated')
[docs] def retrieve_entries( self, table_name: str, conditions: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> DataFrame: """ Retrieves entries from a table with given conditions. Parameters ---------- table_name: str Name of the table to query conditions: str, List[str] Condition (or list of conditions) for data selection Returns ------- DataFrame Pandas Dataframe with retrieved data, and column names as indexes Raises ------ :class:`psycopg2.Error` Base exception for all kind of database errors. """ # Sanitize input if isinstance(conditions, str): condition_exp = '\n\t\t\t{}'.format(conditions) else: condition_exp = ' AND '.join( '\n\t\t\t{}'.format(c) for c in conditions ) # Check database status if self.connection is None: raise DatabaseError('Trying to access database without initialization') # Check if the table exists if not self.check_table(table_name): raise IntegrityError( 'Trying to access table <{}>, which does not exist'.format(table_name)) # Debug log getLogger().info('Retrieving entries from table <{}> with conditions '.format(table_name, conditions)) # Now let's send the SQL query try: getLogger().info('Query: %s', self.cursor.mogrify( self._query_retrieveEntry.format( table_name=table_name, conditions=condition_exp ) ).decode()) self.cursor.execute( self._query_retrieveEntry.format( table_name=table_name, conditions=condition_exp ) ) # Parse data column_names = [desc[0] for desc in self.cursor.description] data = self.cursor.fetchall() reply = DataFrame( data=data, columns=column_names ) getLogger().debug('Data: {}'.format(reply)) return reply except (PSQL_Error, TypeError, ValueError) as e: getLogger().error("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise except BaseException as e: getLogger().exception("{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) raise